Calling all men to take a step towards STRETCHING

Have you gained weight? Do you have joint pain? Are you tired and blah?

Ready to begin a new non aggressive routine?

Welcome to Stretch were a little bit goes a long way! There is a myth that only woman do Pilates.  I’m hear to tell all the men that you are missing out on a great one on one stretching experience here in WNY.  It goes like this: 1. All you have to do is show up for 30 minutes 2. We begin our session on the equipment with some very light stretching to warm your body up 3.  We teach you a little about your posture and how it relates to causing stiffness and pain 4. We manually stretch your upper and lower body 5. Hot stone massage to finish

You will leave feeling loose, refreshed, less achy, and standing taller. Best part we do all the work (lazy man’s yoga).  This my friends is a great place to start!