8 Easy Ways to Sneak a Workout into your Day
1) Speed walk your errands
We all have so many errands to run throughout the day, try parking in a spot further away and speed walk to the entrance.
2)Turn Happy Hour into Play Time
Instead of meeting for a drink after work, head to a park and play frisbee, throw a ball or walk around. (We won’t judge you if you bring a drink there)
3)Stand and Flex
While waiting in line try flexing your abdominals for 10 seconds and then relax for 10. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat!
4)Stairs not Elevators
Take the stairs and your buns will thank you.
5)Get off the computer at work
Working in an office can make communicating from behind a desk so easy. Walk over to your coworker rather than emailing or calling. Those extra steps will add up quickly!
6)Eliminate the shopping cart
If you’re just running in, don’t use a cart! Carrying two or three heavy bags is a great workout. (Try reusable bags instead of the cart)
7)Wake up and Sit it up
You know those few minutes right after your alarm goes off that you stay in bed checking your phone? Use it to start your day with 20 sit ups or crunches! Keep that core strong.
8)Add an extra 15 minutes to your Dog’s walk
Cardio, cardio, cardio