by Stretch4Life | Apr 12, 2018 | Buffalo Pilates Articles
but we hear that a lot, right? Pilates is for dancers, or by dancers, or something…what’s the deal with Pilates and dancers?Pilates is a compatible practice for dancers because of the many elements in Pilates that echo those in established dance...
by Stretch4Life | Apr 9, 2018 | Buffalo Pilates Articles
Have you gained weight? Do you have joint pain? Are you tired and blah?Ready to begin a new non aggressive routine?Welcome to Stretch were a little bit goes a long way! There is a myth that only woman do Pilates. I’m hear to tell all the men that you are...
by Stretch4Life | Mar 29, 2018 | Buffalo Pilates Articles
For all of you Game of Thrones fans out there, you are familiar with the term “Winter is coming.” This phrase typically brings a feeling of terror and panic. I feel this way while watching the show and even more so when people say it in October right...
by Stretch4Life | Mar 27, 2018 | Buffalo Pilates Articles
I have been an owner and a Pilates Instructor for 20 years! I recently had laberal/hip surgery to sew up two tears. The doctor wanted me to go to physical therapy the very next day. I arrived at the PT clinic and paid my $30 co pay, anxious to get...
by Stretch4Life | Mar 2, 2018 | Buffalo Pilates Articles
We all make up excuses to avoid working out. Not enough time in the day, it is too cold outside, blah blah blah. Us fitness instructors have heard it all. But what about when the weather is actually a factor and you can’t leave your house? Western New York is...
by Stretch4Life | Feb 14, 2018 | Buffalo Pilates Articles
Here in Western New York, this is about the time the effects of the winter season start to feel pretty old – sometimes making US feeling pretty old. The lack of mercury on the thermometer inspires us to curl up more than move about which can leave us stiff...